Daughters of Hope Project (DOHP)


The path to empowerment and dignity only begins with training and employment. There are a lot of other factors that are required to bringing freedom to those in difficult circumstances. Daughters of Hope Project is a non-profit branch that works alongside the business to provide healthy meals, childcare, and education to our employees.

Interested in Financially Supporting Daughters of Hope Project?

If you are interested in financially supporting Daughters of Hope Project there are two ways to do that:

1. You can give online by clicking HERE. If you are interested in giving on a monthly basis, you can set up automatic withdrawal through this website as well. Just click ”Create and account” and follow the directions from there. It’s an easy and convenient way to give!


2. You can send a check to Wesleyan Fellowship Partners, 2005 Stilesboro Road, Kennesaw, GA 30152.
Make the check payable to Wesleyan Fellowship Partners and put ”Daughters of Hope” in the memo