

Miriam’s Story

Miriam is a young mother. For four years she searched for a job. No one would hire her because of her lack of education. The Lord brought her to Daughters of Hope. Now she is able to help provide for her family. Miriam says: “I want to give glory to the Lord for everything He has done in my life.”


Manjula’s Story

Manjula is the oldest woman at Daughters of Hope. She has many physical problems including arthritis and diabetes. Two years ago, she was working at a boy’s hostel in a very physically and mentally strenuous job. She was praying for a job, and the Lord spoke to her and told her that on July 5th, 2011 she would have a job. Later, someone in her church told her about Daughters of Hope and she came for the interview on July 5th! It is amazing to see how God was orchestrating her life and intersecting our paths from the beginning. Manjula said “I will give thanks to God until the day I die.” She is now able to afford her diabetes medication each month, and all of her family testifies that she is happy and living with joy!


Clara's Story

Clara has experienced so much shame and abuse in her past. In her past working environments, she was mocked for believing in Jesus; she was verbally abused by her employers; she was exploited and many time forced to work 7 days a week, leaving her young children to fend for themselves. After she left that job, her family of four was living off of $60 a month from her husband’s salary. They were deep in debt. She found Daughters of Hope. Clara said, “When I got my first salary, I could buy good food for my family and start paying off debt.”


Susan's Story

Susan has had three jobs: 1 – A tailoring supervisor: she made a reasonable salary, but it was strenuous on her physically, and she wasn’t treated well. 2 – A cook for a children’s home: she was treated well, but didn’t make enough to provide for her family. 3 – Daughters of Hope head tailor: she makes a good salary and she is treated with respect and love. Susan says: “Every morning I look forward to work. I can find peace and joy here.”


Stella's Story

Stella testifies that the main thing she likes about Daughters of hope is that she has learned to take care of her family and how to love her children. She has also learned to eat healthy. Her first salary she had “tears of joy.” Since she started with Daughters of Hope in July 2011, she says there is less strain on their family and things are going smooth.


Nirmala’s Story

Nirmala’s story brings tears to our eyes every time she shares it. According to Nirmala, for 15 years she had a good life: a good husband who took care of their family, and 3 children. In 2012, Nirmala’s husband died. The day he died, they had $60 their name. Nirmala was alone to provide for her family. No one offered to help, except for a few people who were trying to take advantage of her. Nirmala attempted to commit suicide, but, by God’s grace didn’t succeed. Many people tried to take advantage of her emotionally and physically after her husband died. Through her sister-in-law, Nirmala came to know about Daughters of Hope. “The first day, during devotion time, I felt the presence of the Lord. After coming to Daughters of Hope, I have the confidence to stand up for myself and raise my children.” Nirmala has a better understanding of how to raise her children after the health lessons that are provided at Daughters. “This place is like my mother’s house,” says Nirmala. “I used to think that my girls would grow up and leave me, but now I know I’m ok, because I will be at my mother’s house with my family.” “A new Nirmala is living now!”


Sumathi’s Story

In 9th grade, Sumathi’s father died, and soon after, she was forced to end her education to help take care of her family. After she was married, she couldn’t find a job, because of her lack of education. She was praying for a job, and someone at her church told her about Daughters of Hope. When she came for the interview, Sumathi said “I felt like God kept this place for me.” Sumathi says she feels comfortable at Daughters of Hope, and it is like her mother’s house because she can work freely with joy. “The main thing I like is the prayer that we have together, food, and that I can keep my children with me when they are not at school.” Sumathi said, “Now I can work with peace and joy at Daughters of Hope!”